jueves, 18 de agosto de 2011

Activities. Anyone For Activities?

What do retired guys do all day, here?  Some sit around and drink beer.  On any given day, you can go to the Bahio Grill, right on the beach, and enjoy 11:00am happy hour and talk with ex-CIA agents, former CEO’s, multi-millionaires that were “robbed blind by their partners” and numerous other characters who openly share “what they used to be back home”.  I sometimes get a call from one of my pals…”hey Gary, there’s two guys here who wanna buy a condo, and I told them you were honest, reliable and generally a good guy.  Can you come over and meet them?”  So I get on my bicycle and pedal to the Bahio to meet my new clients and have an iced tea with them.  After making an appointment to show them property the next day, I realize it’s Tuesday and  head for Jaco Taco for the Tuesday Horseshoe Tournament.  I’m just two weeks into this thing, but it’s outdoors, the guys are cool, the games are fun and our host Steve serves up really great nachos.  Someone is always planning some activity, even if it’s going to find a certain bamboo for their patio or lining up a fishing charter for their son’s visit next week.  It seems like I have an assortment of outings from which to choose.  It’s not “cliquish”.  The easy-going attitude in Costa Rica is contagious, and the pura vida spirit permeates the entire culture.  A guy just seems to fit in. 
Next blog we’ll talk about dating in Jaco, Costa Rica.  For more details, contact Gary Aptaker.

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